Educate yourself to protect your event

Guide to securing the right suppliers for events #1

Written by Laurence Mulchrone | May 18, 2023 10:32:47 AM

Planning an event involves numerous tasks, and one of the most critical ones is selecting the right suppliers. A supplier can make or break your event, so it's essential to take the time to find the right one. This blog provides a guide to securing the right suppliers for events, focussing on due diligence.

In addition to performing due diligence on potential suppliers for your event, it's wise to consider an extra layer of protection for your peace of mind. Events can be complex, and sometimes unforeseen issues with suppliers can arise. That's where Vento event insurance steps in as a valuable ally. By including public liability insurance in your event planning strategy, you're ensuring that you have an additional safety net in case of any unexpected problems with your chosen suppliers.

Whether it's a last-minute cancellation, supply chain disruption, or any other unforeseen challenges, Vento insurance can provide the cover you need to mitigate potential financial losses and keep your event on track. So, while diligence in supplier selection is crucial, having Vento insurance as a backup plan adds an extra layer of confidence to your event planning endeavors. Don't leave your event's success to chance – secure both your suppliers and your peace of mind with Vento insurance.

Hear about first hand experiences from event organisers, relating to organisation, planning, insurance for events in the UK, and mishaps along the way at Freddie's podcast, WHEN SH*T GOES WRONG AT EVENTS.

Guide to Due Diligence

Due diligence is a critical step when selecting suppliers for your event. It involves researching the supplier's background, experience, and reputation to ensure they are a reliable and trustworthy partner. There are several steps you can take to perform due diligence on potential suppliers: